Creating Breakthrough Digital Experiences

The Challenge

When you need to reimagine digital, but don’t know where to start.

Johnson & Johnson has many trusted brands, which created digital siloes and technical debt that was getting in the way of them serving their customers. They knew they needed a major digital upgrade, but before embarking on their digital transformation, they needed clarity on who to serve and how to serve them.

They had built experiences that failed to get traction in the past, so they took a customer-led approach this time to ensure all their investments would be user-validated.

We partnered with J&J to answer the following questions:

  1. What do customers need from a digital experience?
  2. Who should they target and how? Where should they start?
  3. What is a pragmatic strategy to scale this globally?
  4. What modernization needs to happen to their internal operations and processes to enable the digital transformation?
Project Overview


Johnson & Johnson

Project Type

Corporate Innovation



Project Attributes

Experience Design

Key Milestones

  • Deep understanding of customer journeys, needs, and preferences
  • Customer-validated digital prototypes
  • Digital roadmap
  • Revamped internal process to deliver against customer expectations

40% organic increase in key CTA clicks in 2 months post launch

New focus on a previously unknown customer segment

Overhauled internal process that improved team satisfaction, efficiency, and effectiveness

Major shift in resource allocation based on strategic clarity

The Impact

The launch of new digital experiences that gained immediate traction on their way to scaling globally.

Through close collaboration, Johnson & Johnson embraced a user-led, iterative process to make strategic decisions about digital investments. We used ethnographic research, co-creation, diary studies, prototyping, and UI testing to surface timely, decision-quality data against their learning goals.

We then engaged the various departments and the executive leadership team to align on what they needed to deliver before developing a plan for how to make it happen. Finally, we validated the experiences globally to identify any local customizations that would be required across their key markets.

“I can count on one hand the number of partners I would recommend all day long and Peer Insight is at the top of the list. They’ve single-handedly helped us become a customer-driven organization.”

Global Marketing Director
How we did it

We simultaneously researched and tested the new experiences and the internal processes required to bring them to life. 

Deeply understood the ecosystem of users and made strategic decisions about who to focus on and why

We first researched a broad swath of customers to understand their needs, pain points, preferences, and decision making process as well as who was utilizing digital resources as part of their day-to-day work. From there, we narrowed in on customers who were willing to be served digitally, had unmet needs, and were of strategic importance.

Designed and validated prototypes with increasing fidelity, identifying the MVP feature set, early adopter, and go-to-market strategy

We conducted diary studies, asynchronous research studies, and co-creation research. From there, we rapidly prototyped and iterated the experience to clearly define what a new digital experience should be for both clinical and non-clinical stakeholders and defined the go-to-market strategy.

Conducted research with internal teams and redesigned processes critical to supporting digital experiences

We used a human-centered design approach to conduct research across the core groups responsible for managing the entire content creation, approval, and management process. We uncovered the systemic pain points and frustrations with the current process, technology, and organizational orthodoxies before defining an ideal state to create and sustain these new customer experiences.

Led the executive team sessions to resolve institutional challenges

With the ideal state in hand, we led the executive team through the a series of sessions to highlight and resolve the institutional challenges that were blocking Johnson & Johnson from achieving their strategic goals.

Led a series roadmapping sessions to finalize the product and content development approach

With buy-in from the leadership team, we led core teams through a series of roadmapping sessions, which allowed them to break down their siloes and work crossfuncitonally - maximizing their resources and increasing their speed-to-market.

Validated the experiences globally, making recommendations for localized adaptations

After the first instances of the new experiences were launched in the US, we validated the digital needs and experiences internationally through asynchronous research studies and in-depth interviews. We then made recommendations for how these experiences needed to evolve within their priority markets.